Sleepless in Slidell? Sleep Center Can Help

When counting sheep hasn’t worked, when over-the-counter sleep aids aren’t helping, and when the home remedies on Pinterest have failed, it’s time to turn to a real long-term solution: the Slidell Memorial Hospital Sleep Disorders Center.

SMH Sleep Disorders Center

As the first accredited sleep center on the North Shore, it has the experience, and the technology, to properly diagnose sleep issues--and effectively treat them. Whether you have been referred by a doctor or you are a self-referral, you are welcome to make an appointment.

Why should you visit our sleep center? A visit to a doctor isn’t enough. Your sleep patterns will need to be studied. If you have any of the following symptoms, you could have a sleep disorder.

  • Snoring
  • Frequent sleepiness during the day
  • Mood swings and an inability to control emotions
  • Depression
  • Any pause in your breathing while sleeping
  • Difficulty falling or staying asleep

The SMH Sleep Disorders Center handles sleep-related disorders that range from insomnia to snoring, problems staying awake to sleep apnea, and even sticking to a consistent sleep and wake cycle.

Common sleep disorders treated at the SMH Sleep Disorders Center include:

Periodic Limb Movements of Sleep, or PLMS: This repetitive cramping and twitching of the legs during sleep occurs as often as every twenty to forty seconds. It is the only movement disorder that still occurs during sleep and is sometimes unknown to the patient.

Sleep Apnea Syndrome: Someone with Sleep Apnea may be surprised to learn the actual number of times they are waking up in the night. Sleep Apnea is caused by a collapse of an airway at the back of the throat that prevents air from reaching the lungs, causing the person to stop breathing. These intervals can occur anywhere from ten seconds to more than a minute, causing the individual to feel incredibly tired and worn out. Left untreated, it can lead to short- and long-term effects.

Narcolepsy: Uncontrollable sleepiness causes the person to fall asleep at any time, sometimes while during a task, or even while talking with friends. It may last from mere minutes to half an hour. Narcolepsy usually begins between the ages of 10-25. It may include other conditions such as cataplexy, sleep paralysis, and even hallucinations.

Insomnia: The ability to sleep, or to stay asleep, may be a primary problem or a secondary result due to medication or certain types of disease. There are several factors behind the condition, including depression, stress, anxiety, a change in schedules, and poor sleep habits.


What happens when you visit the SMH Sleep Disorders Center?

Your sleep test will be conducted in a cozy, comfortable room that feels almost like home. Specialists and physicians, with extensive training in sleep science, will be on-hand to conduct tests and decipher the results.

SMH Sleep Disorders Center is accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and is a Community Partner of the National Sleep Foundation in order to educate others about the importance of sleep and the treatment of sleep disorders.

If you believe you have a sleep disorder, don’t wait any longer. Get tested. The Slidell Memorial Hospital Sleep Disorders Center will get you on the path to a perfect night’s sleep.

To learn more, or to receive a comprehensive Sleep Self-Quiz by mail, contact the SMH Sleep Disorders Center at (985) 280-8823.